Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween! (a day late)

I love Halloween! However, now that I have a child it is even more fun. We attended 4 halloween activities this week and I am now exhausted. Daniel was supposed to dress up as a dinosaur as his costume. He had other ideas. He decided that he wanted to be a cowboy. We dressed him in work boots, khaki pants, white t-shirt, Leather jacket and a leather hat. He really looked more like Indian Jones than a cowboy. He was happy and I was very happy.

Last night he went Trick-or-Treating with his cousin, Aurora. He was adorable running up to the houses yelling "trick-or-treat" and saying "thank you". I was so proud. He too now loves Halloween and was singing "halloween" during the hymn in church today. He keeps asking to go trick-or-treating and when I put away the Halloween decorations today, he got up set. Next year is going to be even better!

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